Understanding ADA Compliance

Why You Might Get a Letter Regarding the ADA

ADA enforcement is a complaint-driven process. Many business owners of Ohio properties are surprised to learn that government officials do not make visits to businesses to see if they are ADA-compliant. However, once someone has filed a formal complaint, various government agencies are responsible for conducting an investigation, but anyone can take legal action – and at any time.  ADA Compliance Network can provide you with the most up-to-date, cost-effective methods to make your business comply with all Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

Typical Remediation Items

We understand the subtle as well as obvious nuances of: ADA, ADAAG, ABA, FHA, etc. These are the organizations that regulate all aspects of the ADA both federally & throughout Ohio. Typical ADA upgrades (or remediation) include but are not limited to:

  • Accessible Entrances and Exits
  • Parking Lot Adjustments
  • Restroom Modifications
  • Interior Path of Travel
  • Signage and Wayfinding
  • Elevators and Lifts
  • Counter and Service Area Adjustments
  • Fire and Life Safety Improvements
  • Accessible Seating and Tables
  • Kitchens and Break Room Accessibility
  • Accessible Play Areas and Recreational Facilities
  • Exterior Accessibility
  • Technology and Communication Accessibility
  • Program and Service Accessibility
  • Policy and Procedure Adjustments


Do you have counter service? That counter should be no more than 34 inches off the floor. Self-service restaurants need enough maneuvering space for a person in a wheelchair, with a minimum aisle of 36 inches wide. And for seating: if tables are fixed to the wall or floor, at least 5 percent need to be accessible by the use of movable chairs with a table having 27 inches of knee clearance.

Many of these things can seem overwhelming. The easiest way to make sure you comply and are safe from all lawsuits and penalties is to contact a professional.  ADA Compliance Network is always available to converse about any compliance situation you currently find yourself in.