Are You a Business Owner OR
Attorney with a Client Who is Dealing
With an ADA Violations Lawsuit?

Don’t Panic! Call Now!

About Us

ADA Compliance Network will be with you from the start until the finish of your project.

ADA Compliance Network is a team of professionals who know, understand, & specialize in Federal laws & State Building regulations as they pertain to compliance established by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

ADA Compliance Info

Confused about where to begin? Our team of experts can help you find answers to all your ADA compliance questions.

Solutions Outline

The ADA Compliance Network reviews the findings of your ADA Inspection Report and maps out the solution.

Physical site review

Get a physical site inspection of your property by our ADA experts to tell you where you are today with your facility.


The ADA Compliance Network has a team of vetted, qualified contractors available to upgrade your property to be ADA compliant.

Are you currently being sued and not sure what to do next?

Are you meeting current ADA requirements?